Logo Florida Archery logo2021 IFAA North American Field Archery Championships

Archers need to be at the range on Friday at 11:30 for the Animal round (assembly at 11:30, shooting at 12:00).  Saturday and Sunday archers need to be ready to shoot at 8:00am due to winter daylight problems.  We will talk at 8:00am and start shooting at 8:30am.  We will be shooting 4 across on every target.

Shooting Differences.  The bunny is shot differently than NFAA shooters are use to.

20cm faces (Bunny faces)  Four targets in a square...shoot Z pattern.
    Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right.

35cm faces  (15 thru 32 yards)
    35 cm faces shall be shot all four arrows at a single face.  Arrows
shot from the left hand side shall be shot at the left hand face and
vice versa, except on fan shots where the two arrows from the left hand
markers shall be shot at the left hand face, and the arrows from the
right hand markers shall be shot at the right hand face.

50cm faces (35 yds thru 53 yds)
    50 cm faces shall be shot all 4 arrows at a single face, rule C6
will apply if multiple faces are used.  (Note:  this is a quote of rule C6)

There will be food available at the range on Friday.  The lunch on Saturday will be pass by lunch.  There will be food Sunday while we are waiting for scores to come in.

TOURNAMENT DATES:  10-11-12 December 2021

HOSTING CLUB:  Ft Lauderdale Archers

RANGE LOCATION:  4590 Peters Rd, Plantation FL 33317

RANGE MAP :  Area Map

From I-95 App. 3 Miles

Exit Davie Blvd. and go westbound. Cross 441 ( State Road 7 ) and continue past the first traffic light. The Clubs Gated Entrance is on the left before the light at S.W. 46 Th. Ave.
From University Drive App. 2 Miles
Go eastbound on Peters Road over the Turnpike overpass, the Clubs Gated Entrance is on the right just past the light at S. W. 46 Th. Ave.
From I - 595  App. 1.5 Miles
Exit 441 North go to second red light Davie Blvd. turn left continue past first traffic light. Clubs Gated Entrance is on the left before the light at S. W. 46 Th. Ave


Pro Divisions $135.00, Adult & Senior Divisions $35.00, Junior Divisions $25.00.  There is a extra fee of $1.50 to register online and $2.00 to register and pay at the shoot.
(Currently we will be taking the extra Pro fees at the shoot if needed (if you really want to pay them online, please let me know).

Shoot Fees
Age Group
Club Name

SEND REGISTRATION FORM AND CHECK TO:  Florida Archery Association, Timothy O. Austin (Sec/Treas), 1710 S W 76th Ter, Gainesville FL 32607-3418.  Phone (352) 332-1969.  Email:

SHOOT FEES: $35 adult, $25 youth, and $25 cub.  PRO money fee of $100.00 (Pro's will pay $135.00).

REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  Mailed entries should be postmarked by December 1th (US) or November 27th (Canada & Mexico).  Phoned or Emailed registrations through December 8th will be accepted for a $2 surcharge payable at the shoot.  Registration at the shoot will require a $15 late fee added to the normal registration fee.

SHOOTING SCHEDULE:    :  Friday: Assembly at 11:30am.  28 Animal round (with no bonus spots) at 12:00pm. Saturday:  Assembly at 8:00 AM.   28 Field at 8:30 AM. 
 Sunday:  Assembly at 8:00 AM.  28 Hunter at 8:30 AM.  Awards as soon as all scores posted to scoreboards and realigned (typically 30 minutes after last person is finished).

SHOOTING STYLE INFORMATION:  NFAA Archers: If you tell the registration chairman your normal shooting style, he will place you in your correct division.  IFAA has some different names.

FAA      FAA               IFAA        IFAA
CODE    STYLE              CODE       STYLE
FS    Freestyle            FSU      Freestyle Unlimited
FSL   Freestyle Limited    FSLC     Freestyle Limited Compound
Oly   Olympic Recurve      FSLR     Freestyle Limited Recurve
BB    Barebow              BBC      Barebow Compound
OlyBB Olympic Barebow      BBR      Barebow Recurve
Trad  Traditional          BHR      Bowhunter Recurve
BH    Bowhunter            BHC      Bowhunter Compound
BHFS  Bowhunter Freestyle  BHU      Bowhunter Unlimited
BHFSL Bowhunter FS Limited BHL      Bowhunter Limited
                           LB       Longbow

Further Information:
Longbow = no recurve at all in limbs with wooden arrows
Freestyle Limited Recurve = allows all types of sights and string peeps
Barebow Recurve = allows string walking and draw check
Bowhunter Recurve = Single anchor & Mediterranean fingers
Bowhunter Unlimited = hooded pins & scope sights illegal & No level

Bows limited to 300 fps

Senior = 65+
Veterans = 55+
Young Adult = 17-18

Junior = 13-16
Cub = under 13

DIVISIONS:  Male & Female

                      STYLE         IFAA CODE    FAA CODE
Professional    Unlimited           F.U.                 FS
                      Limited              F.S.                 FSL

Adult (19+), Veteran (55+), Senior (65+), Young Adult (17-18), Junior (13-16) and Cub (<13) [Age as of 1st day of shoot]
        STYLES                                              IFAA CODE    FAA CODE
Barebow recurve and compound                         B.B.              BB  (Barebow)
Freestyle limited compound                                 F.S.              FSL (Limited Freestyle)
Freestyle limited recurve                                     F.S.              OLY (Olympic Freestyle)
Freestyle unlimited                                             F.U.              FS  (Freestyle)
Bowhunter recurve and compound                      B.H.              BH (Includes Traditional)
Bowhunter unlimited                                          B.U.              BHFS  (Bowhunter Freestyle)
Bowhunter limited                                              B.L.              BHFSL (Bowhunter Freestyle Limited)
Longbow                                                           L.B.              LB (Longbow)

            STYLES                                              IFAA CODE    FAA CODE
Barebow recurve and compound                            B.B.                BB
Freestyle limited recurve and compound                  F.S.                FSL

CLASSES - Adult & Junior only

Veterans, Seniors, Young Adult and Cubs all shoot top of division


 STYLES     FSL        FS          BB         BHFSL     BHFS       BH       Longbow
A Class        450+       500+      400+       450+         475+      375+        250+
B Class        350-499  400-499  300-399  300-449    325-474  225-374   150-249
C Class        0-349      0-399      0-299     0-299        0-324     0-224       0-149

Classification scores must be within two years.
With less than two scores, shoot A Class.
Classification based on archer's two highest scores in a 12 month period. (Field, Hunter, and Hunter/Field)

NAFAC Medals – 1st, 2nd and 3rd in all division styles.


Vacation Village at Bonaventure

Registration/Check-in Address: 16461 Racquet Club Road, Weston, FL 33326

For Reservation contact Resort at Tel: (954) 217-9570 or email: and mention Booking Code: Archers-2021-BONA.

     Full kitchen, 1-King bed and 1-queen sofa bed and jacuzzi tab.

MIA - Miami International Airport.  Travel information to host motel

Total Est. Time:  35 minutes Total Est. Distance: 30.6 miles

FLL - Ft Lauderdale/Hollywood International.  Travel information to host motel

Total Est. Time:  16 minutes Total Est. Distance: 9.03 miles



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Web site and contents created by the Florida Archery Association
Copyright © 2021 Florida Archery Association, All rights reserved.
Revised:Jun 2, 2021.