2023 North 3-D

TOURNAMENT DATE:  April 15 2023

FAA North Marked 3-D is being shot on Saturday. The tournament will be one (1) 15 target 3-D round and one (1) 10 target International round (20-65 yards; 3 arrows per target) shot in a single day. $30 registration. $15 pay back to the competitors. Tournaments will be 50% pay back money. The money will use the financial breakdown from the NFAA Rule Book Pro Division for percent pay.

Membership is not required.  $15 payback.

We are also limiting the number of classes.  Men's and Women's Open, Men's and Women's Hunter, Senior, Silver Senior, Master Senior, Traditional, Cub, Youth, Young Adult and a Marked Class at the Unmarked tournament.

HOSTING CLUB:  Gator Bowmen, Inc

RANGE LOCATION:  Williston Rd, Gainesville, Florida

DIRECTIONS:  Approximately 3.4 miles from I-75 toward Williston, FL.   Traveling from I-75 you take a right into our driveway just after a right curve sign and about 400 feet before you get to 105th Avenue (just before the curve and branch off of Wacahoota Rd).  At that point Williston Road is running North South and you go in to the West about 3/10 of a mile on our driveway to our parking area.

MAP:  Link

FOOD - Club will have coffee and donuts in AM and hot dogs, chips and such in the afternoon.

To Register and Pay now - Click the link.   REGISTER NOW FOR THE 3-D

TO REGISTER BY MAIL FILL OUT FORM AND CHECK TO:  Florida Archery Association, Oliver Austin (Sec/Treas), 1620 Yearling Trl, Tallahassee, FL 32317.  Phone 850-688-2800.  Email:  oaustin@floridaarchery.org

PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  Mailed entries should be postmarked by April 7.  Phone registrations by 13 April accepted for a $2 surcharge payable at shoot.

LATE-REGISTRATION:  Registration at the shoot requires full late fee at registration address or at range on Saturday.

SHOOTING SCHEDULE:    Saturday - Talk at 8:30, shoot at 9:00. Saturday 15 marked targets in the morning & 10 International targets in afternoon.  

SEND REGISTRATION FORM AND CHECK TO:  Florida Archery Association, Oliver Austin, 1620 Yearling Trl, Tallahassee, FL 32317.  Phone (850) 688-2800.  Email:  oaustin at fsu dot edu


Quality Inn – Gainesville      CLOSEST MOTEL TO THE RANGE.

Quality Inn =    phone 352-378-2405

3455 S W Williston Rd, Gainesville FL 32608

Located at Williston Rd and I-75 up hill behind 43rd St Deli

3.4 miles East of Gator Bowmen Archery Range


Closest RV Parks to range are:  Williston Crossing RV Resort, 410 N E 5th St, Williston FL 32696   (phone 352-528-7100). 

(about 9 miles from range) 

Resort has 2 people per camper… extra charge for more people

There is no camping allowed at the range.

MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION:  Ranges are handicap accessible. 

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Revised:Jan 30, 2023.